ReadMe for Aztec C65 3.2a 6-30-86 This zip file contains a shrinkit archive (AZTECPLUS.SHK) by BluPhoenyx (Mike T.) & MacProber with a native mode Apple II ProDOS Aztec C working environment installed. Also included in the zip file is a 16MB hdv disk image (AZTECPLUS.hdv) that I created from the archive using Ciderpress which will run quite nicely in the latest version of the AppleWin emulator. But wait, there's more... this shrinkit archive can be transferred to a real Apple II. My Apple II is equipped with a Microdrive (from Henry at Reactive Micro), and instead of a hard drive a Compact Flash (CF) card is used on the Windows computer to copy files and programs to and from Windows (using Andy McFadden's Ciderpress), and then the CF card is plugged into the Apple II where the programs can be run as if on a hard drive. It was a piece of cake using Ciderpress. I just loaded the SHK in one copy of Ciderpress and selected all the files in the archive and copied it to the clipboard then opened the CF in another copy of Ciderpress and did a special paste with pathnames intact onto an empty 32 MB volume and then renamed the volume "AZTEC". Then I took the CF out of my USB reader and stuck it into my Apple //e, booted the new volume, and in a second I was in the shell ready to work. That's it! My Apple //e is equipped with an 8 MHZ ZIP Chip Acceleartor. The Shell sure does run nicely at 8 MHZ. I started reviewing BluPhoenyx's atree project. What a nice utility! Actually all this is really nice, but atree really should be finished-off. Anyway, Have Fun! whether you run this in an emulator or on a real Apple II. The orginal documentation from AZTECPLUS.SHK.TXT follows. Bill Buckels January, 2008 AZTECPLUS.SHK (a ShrinkIt archive) is a special combined version; ProDOS and DOS with many personal enhancements added by the programmer that used and furnished it. If you've ever used either of the Apple II Aztec C programming utilities; ProDOS or DOS, then you'll love having this combined archive of a folder that contains the best and all of both 'PLUS' tons of add-on special short-cuts, enhancements, etc. Expanded with so many additions above the stock versions of Aztec C, this archive is an Apple II C programmers dream come true. This archive is designed for unshrinking to a hard drive. The manual/documentation is included within the archive and program - see PROFILE outline below, on that. The archive is 1,420k (shrunk) The archive will unshrink to a total size of 6.2MB's Enjoy your Apple II - C programming efforts with zest and enhanced expandability. The archive contents, file and folder structure, etc. - catalog listing of each is noted below for your information. BluPhoenyx & MacProber --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODOS SHELL.SYSTEM PROFILE - text file content: set PS1="Apple ][ Forever! -> " set PATH=:/aztec/bin:/aztec/utility:/aztec/aliases set INCLUDE=/aztec/include set CLIB=/aztec/lib/ set TMPDIR=/aztec/temp/ set EDITOR=/aztec/bin/ed set ALIASPATH=/aztec/aliases/ set MANPATH=/aztec/mantxt/ env echo "For help type ' man ' or the command" echo " ' man ' by itself to see available documentation." echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIASES/ ATREE ATREEMAIN ATREEMAIN.RSM BIN/ INCLUDE/ LIB/ MANTXT/ AZTEC/ CREF/ MAN MISC/ README.1ST SRC/ UTILS/ End of ReadMe